Definition of Space opera

1. Noun. A subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that emphasizes space travel, romantic adventure, and larger-than-life characters often set against vast exotic settings. Used initially as a derogatory term. ¹

2. Noun. A subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that utilises serialisation. ¹

3. Noun. A work or production in this style. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Space Opera

space invaders
space junk
space laboratory
space lattice
space lattices
space maintainer
space medicine
space mission
space missions
space motion
space motion sickness
space motions
space navigation
space nerve
space of Donders
space opera
space operas
space out
space perception
space permeability
space platform
space polar coordinate
space polar coordinates
space power system
space power systems
space probe
space probes
space processing
space program
space quadrature

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